DMatrixHandle data; // handle to DMatrix
// Load the dat from file & store it in data variable of DMatrixHandle datatype
注:我的boost 是1.75 The classes condition_variable and condition_variable_any provide a mechanism for one thread to wait for notification from another thread that a particular condition has become true. The general usage pattern is that one thre…
前些天,导师让调一下 dpm 的 cuda 版本 doppia,我们专门为这个程序买了一块支持 cuda 的显卡,第一遍在台式机上调试的过程真心是很受伤,好在最后终于成功了,而且后来在自己笔记本上调试 doppia 的时候只用了半天不到的…
标签(空格分隔): Linux C Boost Boost被称为C的准标准库,这里简单的记录了如何linux平台上使用Boost.
Boost下载地址:https://www.boost.org/users/download/ 选择一个下载,…
windows 安装 boost
boost 库安装的时候,要 cd 到库目录里面编译,如果没有 cd 进去,而是直接绝对路径编译,可能导致找不到 build.bat 的错误,如果库目录垮盘符&#…
c assign函数string :: assign()函数 (string::assign() function) assign() is a library function of "string" class and it is used to assign, replace the string. This function is overloaded function, we can use it for many purposes i.e. to assign th…
文章目录 示例代码 示例 最短路径: A -> C -> D -> F -> E -> G 长度 16 代码
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.h…